Sunday, August 30, 2020

Sunday - Beach again

We’ve really taken advantage of the California beaches this summer. Initially due to COVID, as they are a good place for socially distanced recreation. The water in Northern California is freezing (OK, not really, but quite cold). Plus the Coast near San Francisco is often foggy and overcast in the summer. Therefore, these beaches typically don’t receive the crowds seen in Florida or even in Southern California. 

For the last couple of weeks, we’ve also been escaping the smoke at the beach. I’m thankful this has been an option, since the last time the air quality was really bad here due to wildfires, it was even bad on the coast. 

All that said, staying positive has been difficult. I’m working on it because negative thoughts about the current air quality situation really don’t serve me in the short term, since I can’t do too much about it. However, my husband and I are seriously talking about relocating within the next couple of years because these fires will continue. We are hoping to stay with our current employers because we both like our jobs, and perhaps that will be easier now that the pandemic has disrupted previously held beliefs about teleworking. We are still in the very early stages of these discussions, so I have no idea where we will end up. But it’s fun to ponder!

Baby Y had a colicky breakdown yesterday evening, his first in a couple of weeks. Finally got him down after an Ergo walk outside and more Ergo time inside. Today he's been kind of cranky, so I've been carrying him a lot rather than helping him get "higher quality sleep" in his bassinet. Hoping for improvement tomorrow. 

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