Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Back to preschool...for now

M helping with food prep the other day!

M started back at preschool this week. O is back at work half-time and from home, so I still have opportunities for breaks, which is very nice. I mean, would I like some live-in help to take care of household tasks and help with childcare? Sure! But having your (very helpful) husband still at home seven weeks postpartum when you have a very fussy/colicky baby is pretty nice. 

Speaking of the baby, his sleep has somewhat improved lately due to modification that we made that may or may not be approved by our pediatrician. But we were at the end of our rope because he would...not...sleep on his back without being held. Last night he still woke up every 1.5-2 hours to eat for part of the night. And I nursed him. But I was able to sleep between the feedings, and at 2:30 O took over and I slept downstairs until 7. So I'm feeling tired today, but it's a "normal person" tired rather than "my body hurts and I want to cry" tired. 

No energy for hair and makeup, though
Currently reading:
"The Dutch House" by Ann Patchett
"Anatomy and Physiology or Dummies" - decided to revisit some old human biology knowledge, what with COVID and two little kids...always useful to know the basics
Mr. Money Mustache blog (devouring via the eponymous app on my phone)

Listening to:
Too many podcasts, including the following:
"2 Docs Talk" - for the same reason as "Anatomy and Physiology" - so I can be a better consumer of healthcare, as much as I don't want to be a consumer of healthcare
"Weight Loss for Busy Physicians with Katrina Ubell, MD" - I'm not a physician and I'm not really trying to lose weight, but I'm a working mom with a sometimes stressful lifestyle, and I've had some long-running issues with emotional eating that have hampered my quality of life. Dr. Ubell's content is spot on because she focuses on thought and emotion management, which are always at the root of any overeating problems - in my experience, anyway. 
"Fresh Air", of course, though I haven't been listening to that one as much as I would like, given how impactful it can be. It always just seems like the other podcasts are lighter and easier listening, so I opt for the others. But "Fresh Air" is always worth it. 

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