Just a random pic from yesterday |
Of all the things for which I’m thankful today, better air quality is at the top of the list. It seems like the fire crews are starting to gain some tenuous control of the fires, aided by favorable weather. Seems like many people still remain evacuated, which sounds just awful amidst COVID. I’m hoping that we’ll see some relief here for the next couple of months, but fire season is far from over, and there may be lots more smoke to come this Fall.
I spent most of today trying to get Baby Y to sleep without his pacifier, which has become a big sleep crutch for him. It was manageable for a while, but I decided it’s tile to change something after spending over two hours re-inserting the pacifier into his mouth last night just so he would sleep. I just left him to cry for a while and then let him fall asleep on my chest, but without the pacifier.
Today I had one success and one failed attempt at a bassinet nap with no pacifier. And two successful Ergo naps without the pacifier. He’s now been sleeping on my chest in the carrier for two hours. Not ideal, but progress. There’s been a lot of screaming, and we’ll probably experience more this evening. I’m not looking forward to it, but I keep telling myself that babies are more adaptable than we sometimes assume.
In other news, I might be getting some sniffles. Don’t think it’s COVID, but still annoying. Hope it blows over.
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