Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sad smoky Saturday

Feels like most of California is on fire. I’m sad. I haven't particularly enjoyed the COVID shelter-in-place, but I never felt trapped like I do now. Part of me wonders if we need to drive north to a “greener zone” before it becomes too late. We’re not in one of the many areas threatened by fire, thankfully, but it definitely feels like it’s encroaching upon us. From the East, South and North. 
Unfortunately, this is not going to get better, because climate change. We’ve been talking about leaving California for a couple of years now, and we are seriously thinking about it more and more. One of our highest priorities for our family is being able to spend time outside, and if we can’t do that for weeks at a time, then we have a problem.

Running up and down a hill outside local elementary school

This morning the air on our area wasn’t terrible yet, so I got out for a short jog and then a walk with M. Then we all piled into the car and drove to Lake Merced in San Francisco, which was blessedly foggy and clear. But the air quality now is unhealthy for everyone, and being in the haze just feels oppressive and apocalyptic. M is napping/resting, Y is sleeping in my chest, but after M’s nap I think one of us will take her somewhere again. Perhaps even Lake Merced! Or elsewhere in San Francisco. The beaches are closed because the cities with jurisdiction of said beaches are (understandably) trying to prevent an onslaught of visitors. 

I have no idea what the smoke will be like tomorrow and what we’re going to do. And I am practically praying that M’s preschool will be open on Monday, but who the hell knows. They had to close due to poor air quality for half a day on Wednesday, and they might have to do the same again. 

This has been quite the six months. Scratch that, year. All I can say is - at least I’m not pregnant!

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