Baby Y is growing and becoming more and more adorable! As I write this, he is snoozing in the Ergo, and just appeared to laugh in his sleep. Does a "melting heart" emoji exist?
During the last two days, he's begun to discover his extremities. He's sucking on his hand, trying to grab my clothes when I hold him, and looking at his feet moving. He's also blowing bubbles and is starting to drool a lot. My husband began calling him "Rudy Drooliani", but I recommended "Droolian Assange", since the latter possesses more redeeming qualities. (M was "Droolia Roberts" for a lot time).
He still cries a fair amount, usually when he's tired, but also smiles a lot throughout the day. He looks at us with such love, or at least that's how I interpret it. He is also becoming more proficient at creating sounds like "ooh" and "aah" in response to conversation or singing. He's also able to handle more independent time - in the bouncer, on the Boppy pillow, or on the playmat with little characters dangling above him. Maybe 10 minutes at a time.
As I expected, things at 11 weeks postpartum are easier than they were at 6 weeks. We're even starting to approach something resembling a routine - the day-to-day events still change constantly, but there is some general structure.
His naps still mostly suck unless one of us is wearing him, though yesterday O held him in the late afternoon on the couch and he slept for 3 hours. But generally not a fan of napping. This is annoying, but temporary, so I tell myself to enjoy the little munchkin on my chest as much as possible. I definitely wouldn't say that this stage is "going by so fast", but it's going nonetheless, and I will miss many aspects of it.
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