Today I am flying to Las Vegas to visit family again. I'll see how much last month's Fear of Flying class will help my anxiety. I'm looking forward to the short trip, especially because the weather will be more conducive to outside activities.
On a less positive note, many in the Bay Area (including my manager and friends who live in the East Bay) have been without power for the last couple of days. I happen to live in an area that wasn't affected, but it could've just as easily been us! Last year we had the smoke lingering over the area for a few weeks. Now's all related, and it's all climate change. I've tried to do something about it for many years, and I'm just tired.
Last night I attended my daughter's preschool "Back to School" night, and by "attended" I mean that I spoke to one of her teachers for about ten minutes about M's progress. Seems like she is thriving, has a lot of energy, has made a best friend, and apparently is a bit of a daredevil (though I am still skeptical, I feel like she's fairly risk-averse like me and her dad).
I am so thankful for M's teachers! Every morning during drop-off, we are both greeted by so much warmth, so many genuine smiles. The preschool is just a magical place, and I feel good about spending a very significant amount of money on this - I won't write the exact number, but it's more than many mortgages.
Books: I am finally reading Bird by Bird by Anne Lammott, and I can definitely understand why she is a popular author. I recently finished her Almost Everything and really enjoyed it. It was nice to feel like somebody understands me - I guess that's why we read! I generally don't re-read books, but these are ones I may purchase and review from time to time. Not sure if everybody is like me, but I can use a very frequent dose of hope.
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