Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Back in action?

My tupperware salad...and my new pink Crocs! They look much cuter in the photo than in real life.

I am back in the office this week after working from home for almost two weeks due to bronchitis and other travails. I also ran 2-3 miles on Monday and on Tuesday, and it seemed to make things a little worse. Or at least not better. So I'm forcing myself to take a rest day today again. It's 10am, and I'm antsy. I think only compulsive exercisers will understand that "forcing myself to take a rest day" is really not a humble brag. Those of us who feel like they MUST HAVE endorphins to be decent at work, as parents, and basically not have everything fall's not a healthy attitude, but yep, that's me most of the time.

On a different note, I am determining to focus on potty training M. She has been resisting using a potty, and I've mostly been nonchalant about it. So far, I've been asking (when I remember), "Honey, do you want to go sit on the potty?" She would say no, and I would move on. Oh, and there has been  the occasional, "If you start using the potty, we won't have to change you diaper." Which I'm not sure she can even process. But starting today, my husband and I have agreed to be more firm. If she cries and really protests and looks traumatized, we will stop. But otherwise, potty it is.

I tried it this morning after breakfast. She resisted, as usual, but then agreed to sit on the potty and read a book. Nothing came out, but she was happy and didn't want to get off for a little while. Is this guaranteed to work again? Absolutely not! But I'm hoping that we'll see some progress. It turned out that her "best friend" at preschool is also starting potty training, and her teachers will encourage M to join her buddy. Let's just hope that M is susceptible to positive peer pressure, but will never be tempted to smoke in her life.

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