Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ideal morning

My favorite Miir travel mug

I love mornings.

My typical mornings have varied over time, through jobs, living situations and family responsibilities. Also, I don't think there is a "typical" morning, but maybe more like an "average" one.

The current one goes something like this:

5:30am - wake up after at least 7.5 hours of sleep, but ideally 8 (though I almost never go to bed at 9:30pm). Do one or more of the following:

  • Drink coffee :) - always
  • Read something that requires more focus - like maybe a history or science book, Russian poetry, or maybe finally "The Affluent Society". 
  • Journal
  • Plan day/week/do some work planning
  • Blog

6:10 - get ready and work out, either starting with a short strength session followed by running, or only running

6:50 - return home, stretch, maybe do a 5-minute meditation

7:00 - shower; if M isn't up yet, I do some food prep, pick up, etc.

7:20 - M is almost always up by now. O leaves for work.

7:20 - 8:30 - M time. Take M out of her crib, read a couple of books, change diaper, get her dressed. Go downstairs for M's breakfast. She usually eats overnight oats with almond butter and a few dried cranberries these days, or she eats cereal. I consider the overnight oats a win! And it's so cute to hear a two-year-old say "overnight oats", something I never would have imagined I'd experience as a mom!

While M eats breakfast, I do some food prep on our kitchen "island" so I can interact with her. We also listen to music, either what I call my "Spin Class Mix" - motivational pop songs, or some lighter classical music, like Swan Lake. I consider the classical music another win, as I really don't want to start my morning with Dora or Baby Shark (and I save them for when she gets restless in the car).

The walk probably seems much longer to her than to me

The we finish getting dressed, brush teeth, and are out the door for our two-block walk to preschool. Some days M walks, other days she asks to sit in the stroller. I love this walk, and I love seeing the smiling teachers at her preschool. It helps that she loves preschool, too, and usually happily waves good-bye to me.

My company has two offices in the area. After drop-off, I either drive to the local office or walk to the train to San Francisco, depending on the day. Some days I work from home.

So here it is...I can look back on this in a couple of years and see if and how it's changed.

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