Friday, May 31, 2024

Last day of school!


Today was my daughter's last day of first grade! I actually got a bit emotional while dropping her off at school and think some other parents did, too! I do love her elementary school and teachers. It's a nice community.

I ran the kids to school and preschool in our Burley trailer/jogging stroller today and stopped at the grocery store for some milk and fruit on the way back. It was maybe a 2.5-mile roundtrip? The distance on my Apple Watch isn't very accurate when the phone is in the Burley because it sometimes "thinks" that I'm driving. Very slowly, I guess. Anyway, I'm not sure how long I'll be able to do this Burley/stroller jog with both kids. My almost-7-year-old is essentially sitting in a stroller next to her brother when I do this, even if it doesn't look exactly like a stroller. That said, why is sitting in car any better than sitting in a stroller?

The rest of the day, I worked, threw in some laundry, went for a walk outdoors. It was a nice warm day, though the afternoon is still windy, as per usual here. Work was fine, except I don't like the feeling of never being on top of all my tasks and requests. There's ALWAYS more I could do, and there are always requests coming out of the woodwork - like a project that just landed on my plate from some other group within marketing, even though my plate is already more than full. I know I have it so much easier than people toiling in coal mines or factories or even knowledge workers who are in jobs they hate. My work is fun, I work with nice people and have a lot of flexibility...and yet, it could be better.

Anyway, tonight we're going to have an easy dinner (couscous, raw vegetables, fruit), do the whole bedtime routine, and then my husband is taking a red-eye to Philly for his cousin's wedding. The wedding doesn't allow kids, so I'm staying home with the kiddos. Which is fine.

Tomorrow, I will take the kids to our gym in the morning - I hope to take advantage of the on-site childcare for an hour or so while I do some work and life admin. Then we'll go to a birthday party in the neighborhood, after which my daughter has her annual ballet performance. Last night and this morning, she suddenly became terrified of the performance. We were able to mollify her by promising a "Squishmallow art set" after the performance (decided that this is an appropriate situation for bribery). She seemed to feel much better after that, but we'll see how it goes tonight tomorrow. Thankfully, my dad is going to come and help out with the 3-year-old so that I can focus on getting M to and through the performance.

O just went to pick up the kids from school - I'm going to wrap up the workday, make this couscous, and get ready for the weekend.

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