Friday, June 21, 2024

Early Friday

Picture has little to do with the post, but it's a photo of one of the pools at our gym. And I hope to use it this weekend.

I woke up around 5am today and tried to go back to sleep (because I didn't fall asleep till after 10:30 last night). But had all these thoughts kicking around in my head. I read, relaxed, then got up to work at 6.

I have a bit of a sore throat and am paranoid that I picked up something at Urgent Care on Wednesday. And why did I go to urgent care? Because my just-turned-4-year-old needed to get a cut stapled on the back on his head. He cut it on a doorframe on Wednesday morning by aggressively playing on a doorway swing that we have loved, but now have to decommission. It looked like a somewhat deep cut, and seeing the flesh stapled made me feel both guilty and slightly nauseous, but he was actually a champ throughout the whole experience.

Yesterday (Thursday), his preschool called in the afternoon because he was screaming for mommy and refusing to nap. I doubt it had anything to do with his injury, but I picked him up at 2:30 anyway because I felt bad. Thankfully, my husband and I were both working from home, and we took turns trying to get him to nap because he seemed to need it. And that was quite the feat and made for an unproductive work afternoon. Thankfully, my mom took both kids home with her last night (as had been planned) so I was able to finish my workday in the evening. 

Today, I'm going to continue working, eventually work out, and hopefully have a productive day before the kids return in the early evening. Tomorrow morning, we have the kiddos' first swim lessons of the summer, followed by a little friend's birthday party. On Sunday, hopefully will go to the pool at our gym. And maybe see some friends.


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