Monday, March 23, 2020

COVID-19 Week #2 - three park visits

Today was a very nice day, clear with scattered clouds, sunny and reasonably warm. I had the "morning shift" for childcare, so M and I went to the park. The original intent was to go to Fryman Canyon, which is apparently good for celebrity sightings. But I couldn't figure out where the main entrance and the parking were, so we went to a smaller local park instead. Thankfully it had bathrooms and they were open! This almost-27-week-pregnant lady needs her bathrooms, and I can't just stop at a restaurant and a coffee shop these days.

M was very sweet, but didn't want to run around and expend energy. She did enjoy playing in the puddles from yesterday's downpour - I'm glad that her dad suggested putting on her rain boots. A bunch of people were walking their dogs in the park, and she was nervous, even though the dogs were mostly small, didn't bark, and were reasonably far away. We're social distancing, after all! Sigh...maybe one day she'll come around.

She asked to go home after an hour or so, but I took her to Griffith Park instead, since we still had a lot of time before lunch/nap. I thought I could entice her to walk up and down the steep trail. She likes hills. Alas, she just wanted to sit and snack on almonds on a bench. Oh well. She did tell me that I'm her best friend.

These days are exhausting, mentally and physically, and also so full of moments that remind me why having a kid is the best thing in the world.

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