Sunday, July 14, 2024

Chill weekend

 The kiddos were at my parent's since yesterday afternoon, and now it's Sunday afternoon, and I've had such a relaxed couple of days. I've been on a home decor kick yet again, and have been trying, but not succeeding, at obsession about lots of different things. Here are a few of the items I have either complete, have in the works or am thinking about right now.

1. Get bookshelves for either side of the sideboard that the TV is on right now. Honestly, in the photo, the space doesn't even look too bad. It just looks...functional and lived in. And yet, I ordered two shelves from West Elm that are supposed to arrive tomorrow. We'll see how much better that looks. Maybe it really won't make a difference...who knows. Maybe I will hate it. In that case, I can probably return them! It looks like they require assembly, which makes them easier to return, I guess. I also just learned that I could buy the Target knock-offs for less than half the price. Should I? The Target ones aren't from real wood, but it's never totally clear to me if that matters or not. At least for bookshelves.

This is the "Ladder Leaning Bookshelf" from West Elm.

2. Repot a couple of plants - done today. I repotted the "ZZ" plant that was in our living room, and now it looks kind of droopy and sad. I also repotted a very healthy-looking succulent outside, hopefully that will do better.

3. I'm also searching for a new rug for our living room because the existing one looks nice, but is totally synthetic and very difficult to clean. And it's starting to look very worn and kind of pilled and gross. I've looked at Article, Quince and West Elm. Looks like almost all the Article ones are partially synthetic. Ugh. Quince doesn't have my favorite patterns, so I may go with West Elm. Of course, do I want to spend $1,000 on a rug (after all the taxes and shipping)? No, I don't.

Other than thinking about home decor today, I've also done a bit of work and organizing, went for a run, and talked with O for some time. So...not too bad of a way to spend the day.

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