Friday, May 21, 2021


Finally got my second COVID shot yesterday. I got it at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California, and, apparently, that site set the world record for the most vaccines administered in one day. It definitely felt momentous and special both times. I also felt weird yesterday because I got somewhere between 5 and 6 hours of sleep the night before (thanks, Baby Y!) I guess I'll be feeling much more relieved in two weeks, though it's been a gradual process, much like for everyone, I assume. First, my mother - a physician - got vaccinated. Then the kids' teachers - that was a big one. Then just lots of people around us, which made me feel more relaxed while out. And seeing the case and death instances drop has brought the most reassurance. I will continue to wear a mask indoors, but can finally stop wearing the N95, which I do find annoying. I hope that people are required to wear masks on public transit and on airplanes permanently - it would be such a boon during cold and flu season! I woke up with body aches in the middle of the night, popped some Advil, and eventually fell back asleep. Then was woken up by the baby around 5:30am, but he appears to be trying to go back to sleep, as well. I feel a little heavy and a bit weak, but, honestly, I don't know if that's the vaccine reaction or just a side effect of having little kids. I'm planning to work today, but may also just take it easy and read. Maybe run some errands.

Weekend: croup, girl adventures and sleep

Baby Y had croup this past weekend. He's had it once before, and I knew the signs, so I took him to urgent care on Friday evening, and they gave us the steroid medication to administer in case things worsened. And they did - on Saturday. We spent many hours walking him in the stroller outside, which definitely helped. And he was much better once the meds kicked in. I did two outings with M, who will be four in a month!! On Saturday, we went to Junipero Serra Park and decided to hold her birthday there because there is a picnic area and a great playground with an amazing view of the Bay. On Sunday, we went to San Francisco and met up with friends at the 19th Street playground in the Mission. I showed her two buildings where her dad and I lived before she was born...she wasn't super impressed. She did like our lunch from a greek/mediterranean place, though!